Because of bad weather,the flight CA981 bound for New York will be delayed for two hours.The travell。
To avoid delays or other factors have wasted your time.
6点30分钟的英文half past six 【逆读法】six thirty 【顺读法】6点30分的双语例句1. We landed up at the Las Vegas at about 6.30。
航班由于严重的暴风雪推迟了翻译是:The flight was delayed due to a severe Blizzard 航班由于严重的暴风雪推迟了翻译是:The flight was del。
i'm sorry we can't deliver your goods on time!the problem is from shipping company's tra。
你说的什么东西啊~~电脑怎么会延迟呢~~·是网速吧··下个本地的网速测试·~一般是2M左右~· my internet connection is very unstable! ! ! network。
Iwilltellyoudeliverydatelater.Iwillinformyoudeliverydatelater. Iwillletyouknowthedateofdeliverylater。
1.I haven't got an idea of the train's lating.\ The train will be late for an hour.2.Do you 。
lack of money, so we didn't put the plan into practice There is no possibility for us to arrive 。
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